

Oberon is one of the five regular moons of Uranus. This moon is the least geologically active in the Uranian system. Learn all about Oberon here!


Oberon is believed to have formed through a process known as "accretion" during the early stages of the solar system's evolution. It is thought that Oberon originated from a protoplanetary disk—a disk of gas and dust that surrounded the young Sun and extended to the region where Uranus and its moons formed. Within this disk, solid particles gradually came together and stuck to one another through gravitational attraction. Over time, these particles merged to form larger and larger objects, ultimately reaching several kilometers in size. These objects continued to collide and merge, eventually forming Oberon and other moons.


Oberon features a heavily cratered and intriguing surface that provides clues to its geological history. It is characterized by a multitude of impact craters, ranging in size from small to large, some with central peaks. These craters are testament to the moon's long history of cosmic collisions. The moon's surface appears relatively dark and is believed to be a mix of water ice and dark organic compounds, giving it a grayish appearance. Despite its heavily cratered terrain, the presence of tectonic features indicates that Oberon has undergone complex geological processes over time, contributing to the diversity of its surface features.


Oberon's internal structure is inferred based on observations and theoretical models. It is believed to consist of several distinct layers. The outermost layer is an icy shell that covers the moon's surface. Beneath this icy crust lies a layer of water ice, possibly mixed with other compounds and impurities. Deeper within Oberon, there may be a subsurface ocean of liquid water, although this is theoretical and has not been confirmed through direct observation. Below the potential subsurface ocean, Oberon likely has a rocky core composed of silicate materials.


Satellites and spacecraft that have imaged Oberon include NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft, which conducted a flyby of Uranus in January 1986. During this historic flyby, Voyager 2 provided close-up images of Oberon's surface, offering valuable insights into its geological features and characteristics. Additionally, observations of Oberon have been made using the Hubble Space Telescope, which has captured images of the moon, although at lower resolutions compared to Voyager 2.