20.180 Neon Ne 10


Neon ranks among the top 20 most abundant elements in cosmic environments, synthesized through nucleosynthesis processes within stars and subsequently dispersed into the interstellar medium through stellar activities like supernova explosions and stellar winds. Neon's spectral lines play a crucial role in astronomical spectroscopic analyses, offering valuable insights into the compositions, temperatures, and physical conditions of stars and nebulae. Synthesized primarily during the later stages of stellar evolution through processes such as helium burning, neon enriches stellar interiors and becomes dispersed upon a star's demise. Planetary nebulae often exhibit distinct neon emission lines, contributing to astronomers' understanding of the chemical makeup and evolutionary pathways of these cosmic remnants. Observations of neon in interstellar space further aid in unraveling the chemical composition and dynamics of the interstellar medium, collectively enhancing our comprehension of stellar evolution and the broader cosmic processes shaping the universe.