
A small constellation in the northern celestial hemisphere, Scutum is situated amidst the constellations Aquila, Serpens, and Sagittarius. Scutum may be challenging to observe in areas with significant light pollution, requiring dark skies for optimal visibility.


Scutum derives its name from the Latin word for shield, representing a distinctive shape often likened to a small kite or inverted triangle. Introduced by the 17th-century Polish astronomer Johannes Hevelius, Scutum gained official recognition as a constellation by the International Astronomical Union (IAU).


The brightest star in Scutum is Alpha Scuti (α Sct), a binary star system.


Additionally, the constellation features the Wild Duck Cluster (M11 or NGC 6705), a famous open star cluster resembling a flock of ducks. This cluster, along with NGC 6643, a globular cluster, adds to the astronomical interest within Scutum.