
Scorpius graces the southern hemisphere's night sky and becomes particularly visible during the summer months in the Northern Hemisphere.


Scorpius boasts several bright stars, with Antares standing out as a red supergiant and one of the brightest stars in the night sky. Other notable stars within the constellation include Graffias, Dschubba, and Shaula, contributing to Scorpius' captivating appearance.


In Greek mythology, Scorpius is entwined with the tale of Orion the Hunter. The scorpion, sent by the Earth goddess Gaia, engages in a fatal encounter with Orion after he arrogantly claimed superiority over all creatures. To prevent further conflict, the gods placed both figures in the night sky as constellations, with Scorpius and Orion positioned on opposite sides.


Scorpius houses the open cluster Messier 7, also known as the Ptolemy Cluster, and the globular cluster Messier 80.