
Aries, the Latin term for "ram," is an ancient constellation nestled between Pisces to the west and Taurus to the east. Located in the northern celestial hemisphere, Aries graces the night sky predominantly during autumn and winter months in the Northern Hemisphere, with its visibility peaking around November.


The most luminous among them is Hamal (Alpha Arietis), an orange giant star that stands out in the constellation. Additionally, Aries features Beta Arietis (Sheratan) and Gamma Arietis (Mesarthim) as prominent stars within its celestial boundaries.


In ancient Greek mythology, the tale of the golden ram that rescued Phrixus and Helle remains a central theme associated with Aries. The ram, after its noble act, was sacrificed to the gods by Phrixus, and its fleece, guarded by a dragon, became the famous Golden Fleece, the focus of a renowned quest in Greek mythology. It was among the 48 constellations cataloged by Ptolemy in his influential work "Almagest".